Monday, September 15, 2008

So Who Am I?

As promised in the last post, this is the part where I tell you who I am.

I'm currently a consultant working in the retail industry, though I've spent a little time in the computer and software industry as well. I have a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Minnesota, and am currently working towards a Master of Professional Writing degree from Chatham University in an online program (you can expect several posts on that and education in general in the future). I live in the suburbs of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and have lived in this state for almost all of my life -- I was born in Iowa, but don't consider myself an Iowan at all. I'm married, and have no children, though we do have a dog and a cat. I'm on the edge of 30, crossing that threshold at the end of next month.

I really enjoy writing, and have been told in both educational and professional settings that I am very good at it. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean I actually am, but I have done a little freelance work and have had several positions where writing in some form another was the bulk of what I did, even if I wasn't referred to as a "writer" as such. I can't think of anything I'd rather do with my life than write (though I like editing quite a bit too -- more future post fodder!), which is why I decided to study it as an undergrad and am going back to school for it now. How successful will I be? I don't know. Eventually, I would like to be able to support myself as a writer; it doesn't have to be the only thing I do, but I would like it to be the main thing.

I think blogging is a good way to start. Granted, I don't think I will be one of those bloggers who gets a book deal anytime soon, but a man can dream, can't he? :)

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